Dynavap 2020 “M” – AzuriuM

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We present to you our blue thermal canvas; AzuriuM. While the blue color is delicate, it is also alluring. Upon exceeding normal operating temperatures, its hidden superpower emerges! Like a paintbrush in the hands of an artist, your torch can summon a spectrum of photonic wavelengths.


The “M”: Introducing the latest iteration of the VapCap “M” by DynaVap. Finally released from the VapLab with some exciting upgrades for this year. The 2020 “M”, still constructed from medical grade stainless steel, now features the Captive Cap functional geometry, faceted tip with airflow serrations, adjust-a-bowl technology to reduce the extraction chamber by 50% for easy micro-dosing, chiral airports for calibrated high turbulence air injection, and a 10mm tapered mouthpiece.

*This VapCap is shipped in our all new 100% recyclable cardboard package that is also very pocket friendly. 


*Coloring done with a PVD process